Quality legal advice can contribute to the performance of companies, operating in the UK or internationally. Legal advice can provide important input into a company’s operations and decision making process.
Fortis Consulting London is pleased to have quality law firms within its partner network, which provide advice to companies and individuals.
Many areas of legal advice are available from our partners, including company law, contract, employment, family, property & tax.
Our partners have expertise in a wide range of activities & sectors.
- Art
- Aviation
- Banking & Financial Services
- Capital Markets
- Charities
- Commercial Property
- Construction
- Corporate Immigration
- Education
- Energy
- Engineering
- Family Offices
- Healthcare
- Hotels
- Insolvency & Restructuring
- Insurance
- Intellectual Property
- International Trade
- Landlord & Tenant
- Life Sciences
- Marine
- Media
- Mergers & Acquisitions
- Music
- Negligence
- Oil & Gas
- Partnerships
- Pensions
- Privacy
- Private Equity
- Property Development
- Professional Negligence
- Rail
- Setting up a business
- Shipping
- Sport
- Technology
- Telecommunications
- UK Trusts
- Wills