Watermen’s Company Master & Clerks Lunch. David Stringer-Lamarre, MD of FortisCL, within his roles as The Master Glazier was pleased to represent The Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass alongside The Learned Clerk Liz Wicksteed.
The Master Waterman, Alderman Sir David Wootton (A Past Master Glazier), provided an insight into the history of the Company which was founded in 1514, when the earliest Act of Parliament for regulating watermen, wherrymen and bargemen received Royal Assent from King Henry VIII. Under a further Act of 1555 the Company introduced apprenticeships for those wishing to learn the skills of the Watermen. In 1700 the Lightermen (carriers of goods/cargo) joined the Watermen’s Company. Today, the Company is a working guild and is very actively involved with the life of the River and those who work on it.
The Prime Warden of The Worshipful Fishmongers, Charles Spicer, spoke about the importance of the river Thames to the City of London.
Image (taken by Liz Wicksteed) left to right Alderman Sir David Wootton (Lord Mayor 2011/12) with David Stringer-Lamarre