David Stringer-Lamarre, MD of Fortis Consulting London, within his role as Master of The Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass attended The City New Year Service, St Michael’s Cornhill and afterwards at the hall of The Worshipful Company of Drapers.
The service was led by The Reverend Henry Eatock-Taylor; The First Lesson was read by Alastair King DL, Sheriff of the City of London; The Second Lesson was read by Andrew Bailey, Governor, Bank of England and The Sermon was delivered by Simon Pilcher, USS Investment Management.
David said “There were many interesting conversations including about the UK and Indonesia with immediate Past Governor of Jakarta, Anies Baswedan.”
Image within Drapers’ Hall, left to right: Steven Marcelino; Anies Baswedan, Governor of Jakarta Indonesia 2017-22; Alastair King DL, Sheriff of the City of London; Alderman Robert Hughes-Penney and David Stringer-Lamarre.