David Stringer-Lamarre, MD of FortisCL and Master of the Worshipful Company of Glaziers was very pleased to visit Past Master Glazier Keith Barley MBE, Helen Whittaker FMGP and the team at Barley Studio.
FortisCL is pleased to represent Barley Studio and Helen Whittaker.
David said “I was able to see Helen Whittaker’s new window for All Saints Church, Wetheringsett in Suffolk, which incorporates the coat of the arms of The Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass in tribute to the donors, Liverymen Tim and Gill Alston. Image 1, Helen Whittaker, award winning artist with David Stringer-Lamarre.
“It was very interesting to hear about the studio’s conservation of the wonderful medieval glass at All Saints North Street Church in York.
“It is encouraging to see that Barley have talented international Glaziers working on various projects, including the protection of all the windows of Salford Cathedral.”