Responding to the publication of the Government’s negotiating objectives for a UK-US free trade agreement, Allie Renison, Head of Europe and Trade Policy at the Institute of Directors, said:
“IoD members are extensively engaged with the US market, and will welcome efforts to deepen the trade ties between our two countries. It’s positive to see the Government setting out details on where opportunity lies, such as in the commitment to include provisions for small and mid-sized companies. We hope this will make any deal user-friendly, ensuring better take-up among smaller firms.
“Negotiating simultaneously with the US and EU brings an unprecedented set of trade-offs and choices that will affect business. To cut through the noise, the Government should focus on the bread and butter issues with Washington that will make the most practical difference on trade away from political headlines, from improving temporary labour mobility to increasing the ease of doing business across state lines. Tariffs will no doubt be a big issue, but cutting customs red tape at the border and making digital trade in services easier are the kind of things that will genuinely slash operating costs and substantially increase the scope for trade with America.”