Responding to the Cabinet’s decision to move forward with plans for a third runway at Heathrow, Stephen Martin, Director General of the Institute of Directors, said:
“Businesses will be delighted by the Cabinet’s decision to proceed with a new Heathrow runway. This gets us within touching distance of the end of a debate that has drawn out for far too long, holding us back at a time when we should be looking outward to become a truly global Britain.
“Heathrow is the most-used airport for business travel among our members. The new runway will help the UK deliver on its ambition to be a hub for international commerce. We hope the Government will continue to develop the infrastructure and connectivity firms need to expand on a global stage.
“While the new runway is being built, we also need to make better use of capacity at existing airports in the South East, and indeed the rest of the country. Competition between airports is good for customers and expansion at Heathrow will not on its own give the UK the connections it needs to fulfil its ambitions to trade across the world.”