Grand Finale within the Guildhall hosted by The Lord Mayor Alderman Nicholas Lyons and Lady Mayoress Felicity Lyons in aid of The Lord Mayor’s Appeal. David Stringer-Lamarre, MD, FortisCL, was please to attend.
This event which included various musical performances was a celebration of Alderman Nicholas Lyons’ mayoralty and the final fundraiser of the year to support the work of several beneficiary charities: National Numeracy, MQ Mental Health Research and The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.
National Numeracy will help Londoners gain the crucial number skills they need to thrive through a network of newly trained Numeracy Champions.
MQ Mental Health Research will enable new research to investigate the impact of the cost of living crisis on the nation’s mental health, supporting the most vulnerable in society.
The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award aims to reach 10,000 more young people who are from disadvantaged backgrounds by funding their participation fee to undertake an Award.
Image (Andy Sillett) left to right: Alderman Alastair King DL, Dr Theodora Kalentzi and David Stringer-Lamarre
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