David Stringer-Lamarre, MD of FortisCL appointed IoD Special Adviser International

Institute of Director Press Release: Former Chair of IoD London appointed International Special Adviser.

After three and a half years as Chair of IoD London Region, David Stringer-Lamarre is stepping down from the role and will be taking up the position of IoD Special Adviser International. 

The new position will see David focus on increasing the IoD’s profile around international trade and global relations.  David will work closely with directors in both the UK and international IoD branches, seeking to promote engagement between branches and with embassies and high commissioners around the world.  Directors and businesses will benefit from better connectivity between the IoD and members of business groups abroad, helping them to make the most of new opportunities following the Brexit deal.

David Stringer-Lamarre said:

“The opportunities for UK businesses to trade around the world have never been greater and I look forward to working with IoD members and stakeholders to further increase our engagement with international trade networks.

“This role provides an exciting chance to further increase the IoD’s global footprint and help make international business happen for our members, and I am delighted to further strengthen the IoD’s presence within global commerce.”