City of London Corporation – Common Hall – Election of Sheriffs and other Officers. David Stringer-Lamarre, MD of Fortis Consulting London and The Master Glazier said “It was a pleasure to represent The Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass and process at this important occasion.
“The magnificent Guildhall was at a capacity and the proceedings took place with organisational efficiency and ceremony.
“Alderwoman Dame Susan Langley and Alderman Bronek Masojada were successfully elected as Sheriffs of the City of London. They will take up office in September. Many congratulations to them both.”
Common Hall also elected two Bridge Masters, Peter Bennet and Frank Howard and four Ale Conners: Jonathan Averns, Lucy Beacon, Dean Fisher and Dr Christine Rigden.
Image left to right Sheriff Elect Dame Susan Langley and David Stringer-Lamarre