David Stringer-Lamarre, MD of FortisCL, Executive Committee Member & Head of International Trade Group, British Malaysian Society was pleased to be the Event Moderator.
The event was organised by the British Malaysian Society and the Sarawak Association.
A welcome address was delivered by Mei Sim Lai OBE DL, Chair of the British Malaysian Society. This was followed by comments by the Dato Anthony Cooper, President of the Sarawak Association.
Kuching based artist, Ashly Nandong, together with Chong Yan Chuah and Yap Sau Bin, from Kuala Lumpur are three Malaysian artists who crossed paths in London while practising art and studying at different institutions in the UK. They presented various aspects of their individual practices since returning to Malaysia and shared their thoughts on the art scene in Malaysia.
Ashly Nandong, a BMS scholar, studied at the Prince’s School of Traditional Arts in London. Chong Yan was one of AA’s top students and his work was exhibited at the 250th + 251st Summer Exhibition, RA.SIG
Jason Brooke, Sarwak Association delivered the closing remarks.