Sir Gerry Grimstone, Chairman, Standard Life. 15 March 2016
Linklaters, 1 Silk Street, London
David Stringer-Lamarre, within his role as Chairman of the Institute of Directors (IoD), City of London, was pleased to make a welcome address to this joint event between IoD City of London and the 48 Group Club (Young Icebreakers). He is a member of the 48 Group Club.
David spoke about IoD City of London & noted its interest in international trade and its strong China Special Interest Group.
The proceedings were chaired by Chaired by: Gerard Lyons, Chief Economic Adviser to the Mayor of London.
Stephen Perry, Chairman of the 48 Group Club, made the opening and closing remarks.
Sir Gerry Grimstone is Chairman of Standard Life, one of the UK’s largest savings and investments businesses. He also chairs Heng An Standard Life, headquartered in Tianjin, with branches in 76 cities throughout China. These positions give him many interesting insights into China – UK opportunities. He spoke about the Chinese approach to business and focus upon long term objectives.