The Caroleans Past Masters Association – The Presidential Dinner

The Caroleans Past Masters Association – The Presidential Dinner within the hall of the Merchant Taylors’​ Company, London. Keeping connections and friendships alive. David Stringer-Lamarre, MD, Fortis Consulting London was pleased to attend.

He said “It was an excellent first dinner which brought together the Masters and Consorts of the several Livery Companies of the City of London, who had the pleasure of being in post during the Mayoralty of Sir Nicholas Lyons, Lord Mayor 2022/23 and his consort Lady Felicity Lyons.”

Grace was delivered by The Secretary, John May, Immediate Past Master, The Worshipful Company of Paviors. A welcome address and speech was spoken by The Chairman, Jason Van Praagh, Immediate Past Master, Worshipful Company of International Bankers. The first response was by Andrew Marsden MStJ, Former Sheriff. The second response was delivered by Alderman Alastair King, Former Sheriff. The Key Note speech was by Former Lord Mayor, Alderman Sir Nicholas Lyons KBE.

“A great evening continuing the connections and friendships made during the year I was the Master of The Worshipful Company of Glaziers and Painters of Glass 2022/23. Well done to all involved!”

Image, right to left: Chris Dyson, Immediate Past Master The Worshipful Company of Chartered Architects, David Stringer-Lamarre and Chris Sutton, Immediate Past Master, Worshipful Company of Management Consultants.