IoD: ‘Breakdown of cross-party talks a ‘fresh disappointment’ for business leaders’

Responding to Labour’s announcement on cross-party Brexit talks, Edwin Morgan, Interim Director General of the Institute of Directors, said:

“This is a fresh disappointment heaped upon the pile of previous disappointments.

“With a parliamentary deadlock, seeking cross-party consensus was always a worthwhile endeavour – but it makes it all the more frustrating for business leaders to see the talks result in little more than precious time used up.

“We urge the Government to confirm their plans immediately and crucially before the recess. It’s time to make a decision on the future of this country, we can’t live in limbo forever. Politicians must remember that we’re eating into potential negotiating time. Equally, no deal, which a clear majority of our members say would negatively impact their firms, is still on the table.”