International Women’s Day #balanceforbetter

David Stringer-Lamarre, MD of FortisCL and Chairman of the Institute of Directors, London Region, was pleased to participate as a panel member in this event at State Street in Canary Wharf, London, which consider many aspect of ‘balance for better’. This included inequality relating to opportunity, participation and income.

Gunjan Chauhan, Senior MD shared highlights of the State Street Global Advisor’s recent research published by Dr Amlan Roy on “Why Gender Equality Matters? Better for Growth, Debt, Inequality & Sustainability” to prompt discussions on aspects of gender balance including the gender pension gap.


  • Vivienne Artz, President of WIBF and Chief Privacy Officer at Refinitiv (Chair)
  • David Stringer-Lamarre
  • Jess Exton, Behavioural Economist, ING
  • Richard Lacaille, Global Chief Investment Officer, SSGA
  • Sophie Haslehurst, Financial Planning Director, Investec

Image, left to right: Richard Lacaille State Street, Sophie Haslehurst Investec, Vivienne Artz Refinitiv, Jess Exton ING and David Stringer-Lamarre