Business Plan Construction & Assessment


Well thought out and considered Business Plans greatly increase the chances of success.

Business Plans are needed when rolling out a new product, a revamp of service provision or entering a new market space.

A poorly constructed Business Plan can result in wasted time, energy, unnecessary costs and lost opportunities.

  • The good Business Plan considers the pertinent elements of the individual project allowing an effective assessment of whether or not to proceed
  • Financials are important, but only a part of the Business Plan process
  • The Business Plan’s milestones help to drive and assess the implementation phase(s)
  • The contents of Business Plans vary and they need to be adapted to the specifics of the project in hand; they will have considered thought and evaluation at the centre of them

Our team has extensive experience in helping companies to clarify their thoughts and articulate their vision before the Business Plan process commences, helping them design an appropriate Business Plan skeleton and working with the responsible person/people to drive the construction of the Business Plan.

If a Business Plan has already been created Fortis Consulting London, working with the client, can assess and evaluate the Business Plan for coherence and robustness in line with its stated aim(s).